Nearly four years ago Donald Trump was elected President of the United States because the American People were tired of establishment politics. Call it the deep state, the ruling elite, or as I like to call it, industrialized politics. By any name, informed Americans are tired of career politicians telling them how to live their lives.
Trump has struggled against this political machine his entire presidency. A Russian collusion investigation based on fabricated information, impeachment charges without any direct evidence, and now questioning the Trump Administration response to the COVID-19 pandemic without any solutions of their own. The political establishment has an endless ability to attack the American way of life as they fail to do their jobs. Nancy Pelosi had every chance to take the high road and lead the House of Representatives to pass legislation to help Americans, but instead couldn’t help lining emergency bills with her party’s agenda. Things like airline emission standards as well as wind and solar tax credits as reported by The Center Square.
Adam Schiff could engage his constituents during this crisis and help his state deal with the coronavirus, but instead he’s already planning to waste more taxpayer dollars investigating the Trump Administration response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Another example of how the establishment lacks ideas and support to help America, but instead wants to find some way to regain their control. They’re in a panic.
They have even called on Obama to come out to support their hand selected drone of a candidate and most recently also attack the Trump Administration. Joe Biden is the perfect candidate for a party that wants to regain control so they can get back into their establishment comfort zone. Biden is obedient and comes off like a good guy who people will believe even when he tells fabricated versions of the truth like his position on the Iraq War, stories about recognizing valor, or even his changing stance on believing women regarding accusations of sexual harassment.
Tucker Carlson recently wrote a brilliant article about how totalitarianism doesn’t shock us anymore as the ruling elite disregards constitutional law. These career politicians want us to believe they are doing what is best for the People when in fact, they have exposed their underlying agenda: CONTROL.
The key issue in politics today is not border walls, immigration, abortion, the right to bear arms, or even the coronavirus. The key issue is one of the major political parties wants to change your rights, abridge your rights, control your rights, and limit your rights; the other does not.
These are the reasons Donald Trump needs to be reelected: to continue draining the swamp.
While our representative government used to work based on individual thinkers, now our representative government works based on party rule. These party-line votes represent the worst moments in our history. Whenever a representative votes strictly on party lines, they are disregarding their own beliefs and the beliefs of their constituents in strict obedience to the establishment. These votes demonstrate the power the political parties have over our elected officials and our country.
Whenever a former president endorses an establishment candidate, he is merely exposing his own obedience to that establishment and the obedience that party expects from its candidates. For our government to represent the will of the People rather than the will of the party, we must overcome the establishment and elect an independent thinker who has not made his life as a career politician. We need a president who doesn’t owe his soul to a party. That candidate is once again, Donald Trump.
If we want our children to remain a free People, we must eliminate the aristocracy trying to control America. While we’ve had many political families throughout America’s history, we must protect ourselves against, Clintons, Bushes, Pelosies, Cuomos, and many, many more who have made politics an industry. An industrialized politburo does not protect individual rights.
A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to keep draining the swamp, so a “. . . government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”