Image Credit: Asylum 13 Riots!
America is in turmoil. Why?
Pandemic? No.
Systemic racism? No.
America is in turmoil because Donald Trump is not part of the industrial political machine .
The American industrial political machine imploded the day Donald Trump was elected president. While that’s easy to say, what really happened that day?
The short answer is the industrial political machine feared for its safety.
But actually, the story begins more than a century ago when in 1913 Congress passed the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Before ratification of the 16th Amendment, federal revenues hovered around 2-3% of GDP except while paying off debt accumulated from war. After ratification of the 16th Amendment; the sky’s the limit!
History of Federal Revenue
Later the same year, the Federal Reserve Act was passed establishing the Federal Reserve System America’s central banking system. At that moment, the industrial political machine was set into motion. Slow at first, but it quickly picked up speed when FDR started spending money to put America back to work during the Great Depression; the first socialist President. Politicians suddenly had the ability to meddle in the American economy along with a new revenue stream, income tax, setting us on the road to socialism.
When the inflated stock market crashed in 1929 and unemployment soared, the nation began looking for a means of recovery, and the big government agenda of the Democratic Party became the answer. While history tells us Founders like Thomas Jefferson did not believe in big government and a central banking system, the Democratic Party had changed over the years and became the party of government control; the same platform they stand on today.
Roll forward to 2019. The economy was soaring and unemployment across all segments of America was reaching historical lows based on Donald Trump’s policies. Suddenly, a pandemic, and ordered business closures that artificially drove unemployment to Great Depression levels. In this analyst’s opinion, those unemployment rates are the third attempt by the Democratic Party to overthrow Donald Trump. The fake Russian Collusion hoax was the first; the doomed impeachment for allegedly doing what Joe Biden previously bragged about was the second; and the Great Pandemic Recession is the third. Compound that with violent riots tearing at the very core of America, not peaceful protesters who were upset by the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer, a tragedy that should alarm any American, but the violent criminals who are tearing down public monuments, setting buildings on fire, and holding city segments hostage at gunpoint. The violent criminals burning down our cities coupled with politicians who are turning a blind eye to their crimes are hacking at the roots of freedom. They may believe or are unwittingly supporting a coup with many fronts by socialists who believe the same thing every failed socialist leader believed; that if they only had the power they could make a great society.
The Democrats are hopeful that just as the 1932 election flipped the White House from Republican to Democrat in the throes of the Great Depression, they are trying to use the current turmoil to take control and levy their brand of socialism on the greatest society of all time. The result would be more than devastating!
America is great because of the laissez-faire system originated by our Founders. Our Great Nation was founded on a new Republican form of government that led to the Industrial Revolution, the first flight, the first transistor, the first steps on the Moon, computers, the internet, the most formidable economy in the world, and the respect of our allies and enemies. We must continue to grow and provide for the freedoms and general welfare of all humankind, but our political foes have a different plan.
The laws of economics dictate that people act in their own self-interest, and that forces exist that drive the means of production. What many people don’t realize is that socialism runs counter to both those laws. In socialism, government, they like to say the people, controls the means of production, and people are paid a fair wage, not a wage based on their contribution. While both laws of economics still prevail, when government controls production, prices are artificially set rather than as a result of business supply and consumer demand, and people who work soon realize since their contribution is not rewarded, or their reward is taken by the government in the form of taxes, they soon become disillusioned in working hard.
Donald Trump understands the importance of the laws of economics. We must stand up to the attack on our American way of life by re-electing the only candidate who believes in the American People; Donald Trump. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, Jerry Nadler, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, and all the other Democratic socialists believe with ultimate government control they can rule over prosperity. They are trying to demonize the rewards of hard work because their existence is threatened by the very system that made America Great. They are members of the political machine that based on the 16th Amendment has made American politics an industry.
They would like you to believe they are altruistic wards of the People, but they are actually career politicians who have found their way to riches as elected officials. Reforms to improve America should not only strengthen People’s rights, but also strengthen our economy, our freedoms, our Constitution, and our society. The Democratic socialist solution will erode our freedoms and rights, hand our power to elected officials, and weaken our ability to defend our nation against external threats including the war on drugs, human trafficking, and the spread of killer viruses. When Donald Trump says we need to “drain the swamp,” he is talking about these individuals. The hardline Democrats see Trump as a threat to their control and their way of life which is why they’ve spent most of the past four years and even before Trump’s election trying to defame and slander him.
For all these reasons, WE MUST RE-ELECT DONALD TRUMP.
The future of America as a great nation of free people is at risk. We are slipping into socialism and the remedy is a full court press on voting Republican. The Democratic party is working very hard to take big government to new levels which is synonymous with less freedom, higher taxes, and failed government programs. Even in the area of civil rights, the Democratic party has failed to deliver reforms that eliminate oppression and drive equality.
In the words of the first great Republican president, we need Donald Trump so “that government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the earth.”